class: center, inverse
Course Contents
- System Configuration - installing software
- Using RStudio
- Introduction to R
- Getting and Cleaning Data
- Exploratory Analysis - making rough plots
- Different Types of Plots
- Playing with Aesthetics
- Using Plotting Themes
- Advanced Topics - Maps, Networks
Why We’re Here
- Alternative to Excel
- Enables Reproducible Research
- Can Make Lots of Plots Quickly
- Good for Exploratory Analysis
- Publication Ready Figures
And…. a gateway to so much more
- data capture
- statistical analysis
- machine learning
- artificial intelligence
- writing your thesis
- writing a blog
Not Why We’re Here
- Won’t discuss choices for data presentation
- Nor good practices in visualisations
- but these are sort of in the background
- This isn’t a machine learning course
- but lots of the techniques we’ll use are relevant
- So, this course it about skills development, how you use these is up to you.
We said we wouldn’t discuss this….but
- Graphics are important, overlooked, and inconsistent
- Need to tell a story
- Can be misleading, almost always by accident
- Choice of colours - we’ll spend some time on this
- Choice of fonts
- Keep it simple - reduce amount of ink
- Increasing number of options for showcasing your data